Die Shakur Familie - Billy Garland
Er ist Tupacs leiblicher Vater.
Als Tupac wenige Monate alt war, verließ Billy ihn und seine Mutter.
Er sah Tupac nach ca. 20 Jahren im Film 'Juice' wieder und besuchte ihn 1994 im Krankenhaus, als Tupac in einem Attentat in den Time Square Studios 5 mal angeschossen wird.
Nach Tupacs Tod wollte er die Hälfte des Vermögens erben, was er aber nicht erreichen konnte. Für 2Pac war sein Vater gestorben, daher schrieb er in einigen seiner Lieder, dass sein Vater ihm in Stich gelassen hat oder gestorben ist.
"No Love from my father cause the coward wasn't there, he passed away and I didn't cry, because my anger, wouldn't let me feel for a stranger, and even though they say I'm heartless, all along, I was looking for a father, he was gone."
In einem Interview mit VIBE spricht Tupac im Juni 1996 über seinen Vater:
I thought my father was dead all my life. After I got shot, I looked up there was this nigga that looked just like me. And he was my father; that's when I found out. We still didn't take no blood test but the nigga looked just like me and the other nigga's dead so now I feel that I'm past the father stage. I do want to know him and I do know him we did talk and he did visit and help me when I was locked down, but I'm past that. What I want to do is form a society in which we can raise ourselves; so we can become our own father figures and the big homies can become their father figures and then you grow up then it's your turn to be a father figure to another young brother. That's where I want to start. Nine times out of ten though we would want them to be there, they can't be depended on to be there. Now, some of the mothers can't be there because they doing their thing[working] I can't blame them, they gotta do what they gotta do. So I think the youth should raise themselves since they got lofty ideas about what's theirs and their rights, what they should deserve. Since you can't whup their asses, these muthafuckers should get out and work at fifteen. I want to be apart of the generation that builds the groundwork for us to raise each other.
Vor Tupac's Tod hat er noch mal versucht mit Tupac und Afeni Kontakt aufzunehmen, was ihm auch gelang aber die Zeit war zu kurz, da der Tod Tupac holte.
Billy konnte nichts nach Tupacs Tod vererben.