August 01, 1997
Woman Sues Rapper's Estate
LOS ANGELES (AP) -- One of America's most outspoken foes of
gangsta rap says Tupac Shakur's crude lyrics about her have
wrecked her sex life.
C. DeLores Tucker sued Shakur's estate for $10 million this
week in federal court in Philadelphia, saying the slain rapper's
1996 double CD "All Eyez on Me" caused her "great
humiliation, mental pain and suffering."
She said the anguish caused by the sexual references to her
undermined her sex life with her husband.
Richard Fischbein, co-administrator of Shakur's estate, said,
"It's hard for me to conceive how these lyrics could destroy
her sex life."
In 1994, Mrs. Tucker formed an anti-rap campaign with former
U.S. drug czar William Bennett.
Shakur was shot to death in Las Vegas last September.